
Created and directed by Leonie Bell with LOCAL GRANDMA

Performed at The Brick Theater in 2023

Featuring Caroline Burkhart as Granny Ida

On the edge of a city: Lottie the Librarian and her adoptive grandmother Tante Eunice Geld secretly live in their garden allotment. Witches sing night-time songs around the last sacred grove in the neighborhood in preparation of a death party. Teenage daughter Susi Schmidt schemes to finally join her long-lost father in America and Mama keeps a secret that is eating her from the inside out. An ancestral forest beckons, and Dietrich, child to Mom in the Moon, attempts jazz. Choral song + pedestrian movement; performed in German, English, and Denglish.

Caroline Burkhart is “the deadpan, fanny-pack-rocking Ida” -Vulture

Photos by Walter Wlodarczyk


Let's Exorcise!


House of American Activities